Your Body Toxicity Score

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Do You Know Your Body Toxicity Score?

You should.. Right this minute, your hormones, and by definition “your metabolism”, are being set up to fail. Without you even knowing it, your hormones have been hijacked..

CLICK IMAGE BELOW for the “Body Toxicity Quiz” and Discover your Score.


I’m a chronic “snacker”. Whenever there are cookies, chips, or basically anything processed in sight, I’ll eat it, then immediately regret it. I know I’m not going to feel good. Processed foods and foods high in fat, sugar, sodium, and cholesterol can quickly leave you feeling bloated, fatigued, and, well, blah.

I’ve decided enough is enough. I wanted to “detox” my body of all of the junk I continually put into it and “flush” out as many toxins as possible.

To help find the best detoxing plan, I turned to my New Program with Nutrition Leader & Expert Elizabeth (Liz) Swann Miller, being a health coach and a detox specialist she has taught me so much about cleansing and how to flush harmful toxins and release “trapped” fat…
So often people think we have to do an extreme juice …but you DON’T.

To increase metabolism and help maintain your weight … A seasonal detox is an effective way to clear toxins out of one’s system to speed up your metabolic rate ..


to get to the “Body Toxicity Quiz”

and Discover your METABOLISM SCORE.

take the toxicity test

The Body Toxicity Score is a score that is used to determine the level of toxicity in your body. It is calculated by measuring the levels of chemicals, heavy metals, and other toxins in your body.

The score ranges from 0-100 and can be determined by a number of methods. The most common method is through urine samples or blood samples that are analyzed for various toxic substances. Sometimes hair samples are also used to determine levels of toxins in the body.

In some cases, a person’s toxicity may be determined from their occupation or lifestyle choices such as smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol on a regular basis.