The Truth About The High Alkaline Diet: Does It REALLY Work?

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alkaline-foods-weight-lossAlkaline Foods and Your Healthy Weight Loss

  • What is the high alkaline vs. acid diet?
  • Is it healthful or just a bunch of hype?
  • What are alkaline foods I should be eating?

Editor’s Note:  See More Truths About Alkaline & Acidic Foods

What is the High Alkaline Diet?

Basically is the good foods you should be eating, such as fruits and vegetables. (full list below).  And foods that are acidic are the high sodium and process foods

Most common health problems  & complaints are:

  • Very tired
  • Lack of concentration and focus
  • Sensitivity to the cold
  • Maintain weight management
  • Hair, skin, and nail loses its vitality

There are many more..

Foods are typically classified as “acidic” or “alkaline” based on a measurement called potential renal acid load…really too much science here.  All you  need to know is what not to eat and what you should eat.

Editor’s Note: 6 Veggies That Cause Weight Gain

Here are some common foods that can cause acidity in your system:

  • Cheese and other dairy products
  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Grains and grain-based products
  • Processed foods with added sugars and sodium

On the other hand, fruits and vegetables are the high alkaline  foods. Other alkalizing foods include:

  • Potatoes
  • Red and white wine
  • Coffee
  • Mineral water

Alkaline foods can help keep your healthy body in balance. An acidic diet can lead to a variety of health problems including weight gain, poor circulation, heart problems along with fatigue, achy joints, memory loss, a lack of libido, constipation, bloating and respiratory problems.

The typical Western diet includes foods that are highly acidic, which can cause these symptoms and hinder weight loss efforts. Read on to learn about which acidic foods to cut, and which alkaline foods you can add to your diet today to get back in balance.

The natural minerals in whole foods are important for our body’s ability to process nutrients in food and to ultimately keep our bodies alkaline. Remember – a body in an alkaline state is primed to avoid disease and
a myriad of other aliments. Food Babe approved sugar sources include these organic items: fruit, coconut palm sugar, raw honey, maple  syrup, date sugar, and dried fruit

Consuming green drinks is the best way to get greens in your diet, provide your body a rich source of chlorophyll on a daily  basis, and ultimately is one of the key actions you can take to keep your body in an alkaline state to avoid disease.

I take MetaboGreens 45X and I love it. I think right now they have a 31% special and free shipping. Read more about MetaboGreens 45X.

There Must Be An Easier Way…

While I’m all for eating more fruits and vegetables, there may be a more convenient option to alkalize the body and reduce dietary acid load: greens and superfood supplements, such as my personal favorite, MetaboGreens 45X. Considering these plant-based supplements contain an array of powdered extracts from fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices, it shouldn’t be all that surprising that pilot studies have shown that supplementation with them can increase urinary pH and reduce net acid load.7,8

Of course, supplements like these are not a replacement for healthy eating habits, and while I recommend using MetaboGreens 45X daily, it’s particularly useful at times when you can’t add fruits and vegetables to a meal or when you’re traveling. Again, it’s best to use a supplement like MetaboGreens 45X in combination with an overall healthy diet, which is rich in fruits and vegetables.

Special Offer: Get Metabo Greens 45X up to 31% OFF + FREE Shipping (very limited inventory)

Alkaline Food Chart. It provides a printable food cheat sheet you can stick on the fridge, or pantry or even in your pocket when you go to the grocery store.


Thank you for visiting my blog: The Truth About The High Alkaline Diet