Earnings Disclaimer

Earnings Disclaimer:

Last Revised: February 21, 2018
Thank you for visiting Nutrition and Anti-aging web site, including https://nutritionandantiaging.com. You arrived at this Earnings Disclaimer from one of the above sites, referred to herein as “this web site”.
Disclaimer: The products and services sold on this web site are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings.

Where we are the owner, distributor and publisher of audio CDs and/or software, and/or transcripts, and/or reports and/or ebooks and/or other training products and/or the accompanying materials or software/tools and resources described on this site and/or any services provided by Nutrition and Anti-aging (collectively the “Materials”), WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY, APPLICABILITY, FITNESS, OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENTS OF THESE MATERIALS AND/OR WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY, APPLICABILITY, FITNESS, OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY SERVICES PROVIDED.

The information contained in these Materials and Services are strictly for educational or informational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in these Materials, you are taking full responsibility for your actions and are assuming all risks associated with same.

Your level of success in attaining the results from using our products and information depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques used, your finances, knowledge and various skills.